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In 2023, private passenger auto insurance premiums accounted for approximately 36 percent of all property and casualty insurance premiums written in the United States. Homeowners multi peril insurance was the second largest segment at 14.9 percent of all net premiums written in that year.
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October 2023
United States
2019 to 2023
* Includes coverages protecting against legal liability resulting from negligence, carelessness or failure to act.
** Includes the following insurances: mortgage guaranty, farmowners multiple peril, ocean marine, product liability, boiler and machinery, earthquake, credit, warranty, other lines, fidelity, international, aircraft, excess workers compensation, private crop, burglary and theft, private flood, federal flood, and financial guaranty. This value has been totaled by Statista using values provided by the source.
Number of employees in the U.S. property and casualty insurance industry 2005-2023
Market share of commercial lines insurers in the U.S. 2021-2022, by premiums
Size of property, casualty and direct insurance market in the U.S. 2009-2022
Leading U.S. homeowner insurance companies 2020-2023, by market share
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Insurance premiums
Auto insurance
Homeowner insurance
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