Acquiring general knowledge can be difficult, especially when you avoid the subject. This book will help you solve that problem and acquire knowledge
Sapiens (2015) traces the evolution of our species – from the rise of our most ancient ancestors to our current place in the modern, technological age
Written by Bill Bryson, this book takes readers on a journey through the natural sciences, covering topics like the universe, atoms, dinosaurs, and more
This book talks about the complex intersection of medicine, ethics, and racial inequality, delving into the lives of Henrietta and her family, as well as the scientists who worked with her cells
Reading the book, take a journey into the universe, exploring the vastness of space and the mysteries of our existence. It delves into topics such as life’s origins, intelligence’s evolution, and the possibility of extraterrestrial life
The future of human evolution, artificial intelligence, and the impact of genetic engineering, biotechnology, and data science on society. Harari ponders the possibility of a post-human era, where humans might enhance their bodies and minds to become “deities”
It’s a humorous exploration of misconceptions about various topics, from science and history to culture and entertainment. Authors debunk myths and share surprising facts, making it an entertaining and informative read
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